• 25-11-2022
  • Community Update, Feature

Quest System in Clash of Beasts: Awakening

Clash of Beasts: Awakening will revamp the Quest System, with rebalances to Story Quests, and some new additions to Daily Quests. With these planned changes and improvements, one of the main goals is to incentivize specific actions that would count not only through Daily Quests, but also towards long-term goals.

Story Quests will remain almost the same, guiding you towards summoning beasts, scouting islands, and upgrading your base. However, we have plans to do some rebalancing and minor updates for the rewards that players will get upon completion of these quests. We want the rewards to be valuable for you as you progress further into the story.

As for the Daily Quests, we will be adding new quest systems that will encourage players to complete a set of tasks daily and reward them when done consecutively. Daily Quests will have a countdown timer which will reset every day. Players can go about their daily routine to complete the Daily Quest milestones, gathering a range of other small rewards. Completing all a day’s quests will also count as progress towards your Weekly and Monthly Quest goals, giving even more milestone rewards. Weekly and Monthly Quests will work differently to Daily Quests and will only reset upon completion based on player progress and will not be time based. This means players are not punished for missing out on completing Daily Quests and will reap their hard-earned rewards all the same.

Contracts will be removed for the time being, but we have plans to improve and implement this feature in a future update.

We hope to have enlightened you about the Quest System changes and we can’t wait to share with you the new Clash of Beasts: Awakening. Be on the lookout for more development updates and community news coming soon.

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