• 06-04-2022
  • Patchnotes, Update

Season 2 – Patch Notes

Season Beast Balancing Changes

  • All Season 1 beasts had their Attack Damage and HP values revised to better align them with corresponding bases for their level
  • The same adjustments will also be applied to the Season 0 beasts within the next few weeks
  • The following beast spells were also adjusted with a view to balance the general power of the Season 1 beasts.
  • Adaptable Nature – Mana gained from the spell’s toggle action has been decreased
  • Adaptable Nature – Resistance percentage to projectiles and beams have both been reduced
  • Adaptable Nature – The cooldown time for the spell has been increased
  • Infernal Dive – Radius of the spell correctly updated to affect only 4 towers at once
  • Revitalize – HP recovery has been lowered
  • Revitalize – The duration of the boost to rogue energy has been reduced
  • Revitalize – The cooldown time for the spell has been increased
  • Mage Bleeding Attack – The damage-over-time effect from Tantalos’ basic attack has been slightly reduced.
  • Season Branch Changes

  • Mythic beast branches now work in the same way as the Legendary branches, they will still cost keys to unlock, but now will contain many additional rewards, all of which must be claimed individually with Season Tokens
  • Branch rewards now cost less Season Tokens to complete, meaning that obtaining a Mythic beast is now easier
  • Season Leaderboard Changes

  • Increased the amount of players eligible for leaderboard rewards from 25 to 50
  • Increased the leaderboard rewards generally by a significant amount
  • Throughout this season, the leaderboard will count personal points earned from each event
  • Since points are easier to obtain in specific events vs others, a multiplier will be applied to the points earned from each different event type to ensure fair effort investment across the different events.
  • The multipliers for the different event types will be displayed in the season leaderboard info screen.
  • Armory Chest Changes

  • Some minor adjustments were made to the Silver and Bronze chest drop chances to try to ensure a better distribution of rewards amongst the general inventory stock in the game
  • Raid Wars Changes

  • Star Attack total chests were reduced from 10 to 7
  • Chances for Silver Chests were reduced very slightly in Super Attacks and Star Attacks
  • This was done to try to maintain a more even distribution of rewards across the different event types
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