
  • Affinity-Vorm
  • Role-Berserker
  • F
    Tier F

It is said that the monstrous bear, Theodormis actually began its life as an ordinary toy, given as a gift to help console a broken heart. As it would seem, the bear failed in his purpose, and a great tragedy befell the heartbroken lover. With no home or reason for being, Theodormis was abandoned, and left to rot away by the sands of time.

Years later, by some miraculous fortune, he suddenly awakened. Brought to life by the force of some ancient mysterious deity. One that far predates the ones we know today.

Overwhelmed with love and happiness, he began to grow larger and larger, filled with a sense of purpose and belonging. That is, until one day, when the power that had brought him into existence, vanished.

As the centuries passed, the presence and influence of this ancient deity began to fade, and so too, did the gifted love that once animated and embodied this gigantic creature. In its place, filled an un-relentless well of rage and aggression. A fevering resentment that this loyal bear was once again abandoned.

*Exclusive: Festival of Love

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Fire Beam
Icon-Love Beam

The beast charges up a powerful blast that penetrates multiple targets. To deal the most damage, wait for it to charge, then tap to attack!


(Passive) When the beast makes a critical hit, the target falls in love, decreasing it’s attack power and making it vulnerable to special bonus attacks.


The beast targets a single tower and crushes it with an inescapable bear hug. Triggers a damaging AOE explosion if the tower is in love.

The Power of Love

Temporarily increases the beast’s attack. If there are any nearby towers in love when the spell is activated, the love effect will be removed and will heal the beast.


Revenge is best served with pain. As the beast’s health is lower, the attack power will increase enabling the beast to return a whole lot more damage.