• 31-05-2022
  • Patchnotes, Producers Letter

May-June Developer’s Notes

Greetings, Beastmasters!

We are entering the final third of the Season of Conquest, and so far these past months have seen the introduction of over a dozen new and exciting beasts! The season kicked off with Voltur and Hadirr, two of the new Legendary beasts hailing from the wastelands of the lower worlds of Veren! Soon after, we saw the introduction of the first Festival of Growth, and with it a unique addition to the festival beast collection, Lopus the eggs-tremely powerful mythic Gaian bunny! We made a lot of changes to the festival as a result of the feedback you provided from the first Festival of Love, and we would love to hear how you liked the changes, and if there is anything else that you would still like to see for the festivals in the future.

At the end of April, we introduced the first of our two mythic season beasts, Guruma the icy berserker abomination! Then, just in time for the Forge Fiesta event, an entire Tier of brand new collection beasts, and with them, a whole array of new spells and abilities!

With the release of Tier VI, we also added a whole bunch of new levels to existing towers and buildings, increasing the max city level cap to 125!

Then finally, we finished off the last of the wasteland legends, Skalamis, the carnivorous centipede mage! But enough about these past months, Summer is just around the corner! So, without further ado, let’s take a look at what’s in store for the Clash of Beasts in June!

As its name suggested, the Season of Conquest looked to introduce something new into the game. The brand new PvP event, Clan Conquest is coming THIS WEEK! You can read all about the new event and its mechanics here. We are really excited to hear what you think of the new event, and please feel free to pass on any feedback that you have. Remember, this is the first iteration of the event, so any feedback that you have will be extremely valuable for us to be able to create the best possible experience for you.

In addition to a new event, this month’s update will also introduce some new changes to the Kingdom Expeditions feature. We previously received a lot of feedback from you that some of the expedition quests were too difficult to participate in, or that the clan was not active enough to fill all the required slots to begin an expedition. We temporarily made some balancing changes to the expeditions to just make them easier generally, however this was just a temporary fix, as this was not the way that the expedition feature was intended to be balanced. This new update will introduce a new twist to the feature! Expeditions can now be joined by any beast. Where we had previously enforced “required” beast specification for an expedition, are now “recommended” beasts specifications, and the expeditions themselves will be chance based. Don’t worry, if the beasts entered for each expedition slot all meet the recommendations, the expedition will have a 100% success chance. These changes were added to allow clans who might not have enough of the “required beasts” to now have a chance to complete the expedition anyway. The overall UI of the feature has also been reworked and improved, but if you have any feedback at all on the new changes to the feature, please let us know!

The 5th and final Season beast will also be making its appearance this week, the mythic locust mage, Cicada, and with it, its deathly minion swarm!

Summer is almost upon us, and all across the lands of Veren, people are preparing for the upcoming Festival of the Sun! A celebration to the ancient god of the sun, life, and healing, Sol. Just like with the previous festivals, players can participate in a special time-limited questline, providing them with a unique currency to cash in for an abundance of valuable rewards, and aid them in obtaining the brand new Festival Beast, Melliferia! The Festival of the Sun will begin on the 17th of June and run until the 1st of July, so be sure to log in every day not to miss out!

The Season of Conquest will end on 28th June and coincide the start of the next season in Clash of Beasts, The Season of Judgement. Don’t miss out on securing your positions at the top of the season leaderboard!

This next season will see the vengeance of the gods in full swing, as they each summon their wisest and most ancient champion beasts to enact judgement upon the callous and barbaric invading armies of Veren.

Aside from the new event Clan Conquest, the upcoming Season of Judgement, and the brand-new Festival of the Sun, this update will also bring some additional improvements to the game:

We have added some further improvements to the game’s chat system based upon the feedback provided by the community. We hope the new changes will provide you with a better experience whilst using the chat feature. If you have any further suggestions for improvements still, please let us know.

A small improvement was also added to the Spirit Tower feature, which now allows the opening of 10 spirit chests at a time, instead of opening each one individually!

We have also added 3 new cyclic packs in the shop which contain an assorted bundle of the most precious and useful resources.

Aside from the new features and changes that have arrived with this update, we have also been working hard to address all the feedbacks and issues that you have reported to us. We are pleased to say that the following reported issues have now been resolved:

  • Increased the character limit of Clan broadcast title text and message texts.
  • Issue with an error which would occur when using multi-chance donation in Clan Research when only 1 donation chance remained.
  • Issue where the time required to upgrade the Void Inferno tower at level 6 and level 7 were incorrectly switched around.
  • Issue where some beast spells were not shown at the start of a battle.
  • Issue with an incorrect amount of XP being granted upon leveling up the spirit tower at certain levels.
  • The XP required to level up Lopus matched that of a Legendary beast, not Mythic.
  • Incorrect spell description for Voltur’s “Dark Lightning” spell.
  • Issue where auto-applying timers did not count the number of timers used correctly.
  • Two players reported that they are not seeing the Shop packs and, once they do,
    the prices are not available.

As we add more features into the game, there is always the likelihood of more issues arising, so we really appreciate you taking the time to reach out and let us know when you encounter any problems. Please also rest assured, that if you have reported any other issues that you are facing with the game, we are looking into it, and will have news for you as soon as we can.

We would love to hear any feedback you have on these May and June changes and updates, or any thoughts that you have on the game generally. So please don’t hesitate to let us know here, or via any of our social media platforms!

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Enjoy the new Event, new Season, and the Festival of the Sun, and all the rest of the content that is still to come over the next couple of months!

Kurt, Game Designer and Resident Beastmaster

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